
Download the CEO’s Definitive Guide to Strategic Technology Planning 

Get the insight you need to effectively direct budgeting decisions, investment priorities, and talent strategies across your organization. Written specifically for C-suite leaders, this guide will help you analyze your current strategy, address gaps, and sketch a framework for technology strategy to drive growth, product development, and more.

What you’ll find in this guide:

How to Set the Long-Term Vision

Learn how to look at technology through a strategic executive lens, clarify the responsibilities, and oversee a thorough assessment of your current technology state that pinpoints critical deficiencies.

How to Budget with Confidence

Discover frameworks to develop more accurate forecasting and establish a healthy balance between budget functions that “run,” “grow,” and “transform” your business.


How to Plan for the Future

Explore the process for an annual review and update cycle for your technology plan. Learn how to accommodate for new tools as well as unplanned events in the marketplace.